6 Essential Solutions
Subpoena response features only found in Safari
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Safari tracks work automatically and flags whatever needs attention.
Some teams understandably feel uneasy that something will slip by their manual tracking and be lost or forgotten.
Safari tracks work automatically and flags whatever needs attention. As subpoenas arrive from branches, in email, on chairs, or from a registered agent, Safari corrals them into a unified “Unassigned” queue, then raises an alert if something sits unassigned for too long. The system also flags close or past due dates, bounced communications, and responses that an issuer never picked up. That means no more separate calendar reminders or task lists, and no more worry about overlooking something.

Safari spots possible duplicate service and gives you a quick way to resolve it.
Issuers often deliver the exact same subpoena multiple times to multiple locations: they drop papers at an office, FedEx headquarters, email the GC, and serve the registered agent. Then you waste time either sorting out duplicates or preparing redundant responses.
Safari offers a simple way to spot and close out duplicates. It flags a newly served subpoena when its case number matches one already in the system. You can easily tell an actual duplicate from a second effort to get service right or a different party to the same case—then dismiss it before it creates extra work.

In Safari, you enter data once, then create documents from a template library.
Do you type the same documents and messages again and again, checking and double-checking to fill in details like the case number, subject name, and account number, then checking for typos?
In Safari, you enter these details once, then create correspondence, declarations, and invoices by selecting from a template library of your team’s routinely used documents. Safari generates the document with your standard text and auto-populates the data. You don’t retype text or reenter data—plus, your legal department has already approved the content.

Safari tracks every action automatically: docs uploaded, status changed, data entered.
Our customers tell us that before they implemented Safari, they tracked their work by 1) doing the work and 2) noting in a spreadsheet that they did the work. It doesn’t take a Six Sigma belt to spot the issue.
Safari tracks every action automatically: document uploaded, status changed, data entered. It highlights key delivery details like when responsive information was made available and when the issuer downloaded it. Safari’s audit history captures everything without any need to separately note dates, tasks, or tracking numbers.

Safari handles invoicing and collection when you request reimbursement for responding.
It’s another consistent story. We’d like to recover our response costs, but we have enough to do without creating invoices and chasing down payments. Sometimes we send an invoice along with our response. Even when we do get a check, no one knows what to do with it.
To request reimbursement for responding to a subpoena, you select a template invoice in Safari and turn on the paywall. The issuer pays when they log in to download the response. And we process the payment for you.

Safari integrates delivery into the same system you use to manage responses.
Responsive information gets delivered in all kinds of ways, nearly all of which can be simplified. If your current delivery method involves encryption requirements, file size limitations, contacting the issuing party, creating external media, or shipping and tracking, there’s an easier way.
Safari integrates delivery into the same system you use to manage responses, with encryption and automated tracking. You drag and drop responsive documents into a folder and open the delivery portal with two clicks.

- Schedule a conversation with a Safari workflow specialist or live demo of the system over Zoom:
- Contact Safari Sales at or 425.298.3620
- View more resources in the Safari Watering Hole